Divorce lawyer Ayesha Vardag: ‘My world is steeped in emotions’
Borkowski undertook a three-year in-depth campaign to continue to build the profile of Ayesha Vardag as ‘Britain’s top divorce lawyer’ while also providing a steady drumbeat of high-profile coverage for her family law firm Vardags and its work. We secured an extensive interview for Ayesha in the FT, which helped establish her image as both a leader and a successful woman who is comfortable in the high-flying world inhabited by her high net-worth clients in royalty, sports, media and business.
We worked closely with Ayesha as well as Vardags department heads to research and understand potential story angles for the firm’s often complex divorce work, while also highlighting the other areas of law in which it operates. Both sides of the business were pushed heavily in news-jacking and media commentary in quality media, with the Civil Litigation, Criminal, Property and Reputation & Privacy teams receiving media coverage alongside Ayesha’s family law work. Our campaign resulted in over 920 articles, with the Vardags brand providing powerful narrative in the Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail alongside appearances from Ayesha on Sky News, CNN and BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme and Woman’s Hour.
Regular high-profile commentary in the FT, Times & Sunday Times, Mail, and Telegraph
Broadcast coverage in Sky News, CNN, BBC Radio 4, BBC Woman’s Hour, FIVE and GB News