The top activities for the over 50s revealed in new study
Insurance provider Staysure wanted to find a fun and memorable way to promote their No Age Limits Winter Ski Policy, demonstrating how the brand champions adventurous holidaymakers and thrill-seekers of all ages. Borkowski commissioned a lifestyle survey with Staysure to promote their commitment to defy discrimination, launching the findings of its over-50s poll with its own ski school, which neatly highlighted the top finding – those questioned wanted to travel more.
This one-day event provided the perfect photo and interview opportunity for national media, with many carrying video of the event online and talking up Staysure’s ‘no upper age limits’ sports cover as a natural part of their story. The ski school and survey, which created a list story-friendly 50-item bucket list for the over-50s, prompted 72 pieces of coverage across the UK, with a reach of 239 million. Nine articles in the nationals included news features in the Sun, Daily, Express, Daily Mirror and Independent, with 53 articles in regional media. Shares from key social media influencers in the market boosted our coverage well beyond traditional coverage.
Front page splash in The i
9 national pieces of coverage
Over 70 items of coverage