Cult London cinema beloved by Tarantino threatened with closure
With the only independent cinema in London’s West End under threat from its new landlord, Borkowski crafted and executed a strategy to draw attention to the cinema’s plight and mobilise its community.
Working closely with the PCC team, Borkowski implemented a thorough media strategy beginning with a targeted exclusive in the Telegraph and supplemented by a petition to save the iconic cultural institution, designed to capture the attention of their landlord and shift their negotiations forward.
Upon launch in The Telegraph, the campaign immediately received attention across every national newspaper. To date, the petition to save the cinema has been signed nearly 160,000 times, while the PCC team appeared on both the BBC News at 6 and ITV News to discuss the campaign, and outlets including the London Standard, Telegraph and New Statesman ran op-eds and in-depth comment pieces in support of the cinema.
Petition reached 100,000 signatures in less than 24 hours
More than 500 pieces of news coverage, across print, online and broadcast, within a week
#SaveThePCC and Prince Charles Cinema both trending on Twitter within hours of campaign launch