Arts & Entertainment

Mamma Mia!

Brand guardian for an entertainment sensation
We established and manage the continued currency of the MAMMA MIA! brand, ensuring consumer expectations are regularly refreshed. An over-arching and ongoing plan nurtures the global significance of the feel-good stage show and the joyful escapism of two films. ​We have created an ongoing platform to raise the profile of creator and global producer, Judy Craymer.

Musical opened in over 450 cities, faster than any other musical in history

MAMMA MIA! seen by over 60m people worldwide

MAMMAMIA! HEREWE GO AGAIN the 2nd highest grossing film for 2018 in UK

News & Media

20th anniversary new UK tour of Mamma Mia! Will open at Edinburgh Playhouse

Mamma Mia maestro Judy Craymer hopes lightning strikes twice.

Cineworld boosted by success of Mamma Mia 2

The media and communications market has never changed at such a pace. Each day adds new layers of competition, complexity, and intricacy.

As masters of our craft, we know how to navigate these waters, cut through the noise and ensure success.

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