Corporate Communication

Dr Louise Newson

A high-quality, high-impact media profile for an industry-leading expert
Borkowski has been retained since April 2022 to galvanise Newson Health Research and Education founder Dr Louise Newson’s status as the UK’s leading menopause specialist.

Dr. Louise Newson had a growing media profile but was having difficulty controlling the narrative. Her evidence-based approach had attracted scepticism and her outspoken critique of irresponsible advice had created opposition with an axe to grind.

Louise needed to underline her expertise and credibility as well as that of both her medical practice Newson Health and her newly launched Balance menopause app.

Borkowski devised a campaign focused on meaningful, quality coverage, driven by Dr. Newson’s desire for a deeper conversation about menopause and a shared goal of establishing her as the undisputed leading media source for comment on the issue.

We devised an aggressively proactive news generation campaign built on Louise’s insights into the impact of the menopause on individuals, its wider societal impact, and her approach to treatment.

Borkowski hit the ground running, gaining significant national media coverage and instantly underlining her status as a leading expert with major coverage in the Guardian, Telegraph, I, broadcast coverage on BBC Radio 5, ITV News and Channel 5 News, and a front cover story of the New Scientist.

Borkowski helped Louise refine her narrative and messaging, particularly for her monthly appearances as ITV This Morning’s resident menopause expert, as well as counselling on the most impactful response to complex media requests and overhauling her use of social media.

As Louise’s profile – and, with it, national conversation about menopause- continues to grow, Borkowski has conceived new creative and cultural means of generating continued awareness, including a Radio Times feature on menopause representation in television, and the award-winning ‘Menopause Garden’ at BBC Gardeners’ World Live 2023.

Over 1,000 items of quality national and international media coverage

Downloads of Balance app rising by 53.5%, taking it to number 3 in Apple Store

Dr. Louise Newson is top result for ‘Menopause Doctor’ and ‘Menopause Expert’ on Google

Three of the biggest Google Trends spikes of the last five years for ‘Menopause’ and ‘HRT’ coincided directly with major coverage we generated.

News & Media

The media and communications market has never changed at such a pace. Each day adds new layers of competition, complexity, and intricacy.

As masters of our craft, we know how to navigate these waters, cut through the noise and ensure success.

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