Could display drones snuff out the firework?
When Celestial approached Borkowski to raise their profile across national and corporate media, the obvious approach would have been simply to let the visuals from their striking light shows do the talking. But, to set Celestial apart from competitors in a growing market, we placed additional focus on both the technical knowhow that allowed Celestial to use drones as pixels in their visual displays and the sustainability angle of drone shows being a long-term replacement for fireworks.
Borkowski launched Celestial's recreation of Amnesty International's iconic Picasso dove and Candle logos in a one-off film to celebrate Amnesty's 60th anniversary, followed by a collaboration with Greenpeace where Celestial delivered a powerful warning about the biodiversity crisis to the critical G7 summit in Cornwall. These spectacles, as well as our launch of Celestial's record-breaking installation Our Wilder Family at Coventry City of Culture, allowed us to secure significant coverage on PA Video and BBC News, alongside a photo story in the Sunday Telegraph and a Reuters feature on Celestial’s sustainability credentials. Over 500 pieces of coverage, including 137 broadcast appearances, saw inbound enquiries leap by 300% and helped cement Celestial as a market leader.
including in BBC News, PA, Reuters, and the Sunday Telegraph.
The establishing piece by Reuters significantly increased Celestial’s inbound enquiries.